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as260 Sarah newbuilding


East Jutland fisherman builds brand new yarn craft.

It was an old dream come true in the middle of October this year, where father Hans Erik Timmermann and his son Christian Timmermann have been talking about building a new yarn boat for the past 18 years. A dream now realized for Christian, who, with the new build AS 260 Sarah, Norsminde has financed the new build which is now ready for fishing in the North Sea off Thyborøn.

The former AS 260 Sarah was built back in 1983 and has been the workplace for father and son for the past 18 years. The vessel was constructed at Faaborg Yachyard in fibreglass-reinforced plastic (GRP) and had a length of over 12 meters and a width of 4 meters.

The new yarn boat Sarah, on the other hand, is a Vestværft design from Hvide Sande, with the hull-built in Poland and completed and fitted at Kynde and Toft in Thyborøn. The yarn boat has a total length of 14.99 meters and a width of 5.60 meters. It has been equipped with a 13 litre Scania main engine, with a power of 221 kW, with Dong gear and a four-blade cross-sectional propeller with a cross-section of 161 cm. The cargo room has floor and ceiling cooling with room for approximately 400 boxes in total so that the boat appears somewhat larger both on the inside and outside when compared to the previous Sarah.

as260 sarahThe East Jutland fisherman is also extremely pleased with the design and only has good things to say about Vestværft in Hvide Sande, as well as Kynde and Toft in Thyborøn, both of which receive Christian’s unreserved praise. The finished result fulfils Christian’s desire for a robust and well-dimensioned fishing vessel for the harsher conditions in the North Sea.

Everything onboard has been upgraded from the old one. The vessel appears state-of-the-art with all the comforts for the skipper and crew as well as being a far more efficient vessel, with larger cargo space and sufficient room for everything. A ship that takes into account people on board with the right working environment is energy efficient as well as a manoeuvrable vessel, comfortable even in harsh waves and conditions in the North Sea.

The size of the ship also matters because it allows the fishery to be moved further out and north to pursue the primary fish species such as plaice and cod. Fishing trips in the future will have a duration of about three days. A crew for a relatively short time would consist of four men: three fishermen and an apprentice.

Christian goes on to say that when FKA came in 2007, he and his father ultimately agreed to buy fish. It was a necessity if they were to build a new vessel at a later date.

FiskerForum.dk wishes the ship and crew the best of luck for the future.

Main dimensions

Length etc.
14.99 meters
Width mld
5.60 meters
2.75 meters

Capacities etc.
400 boxes
4 man

Technical equipment
propulsion system

Delivered by Nordhavn
Main engine: SCANIA marine diesel engine type DI13 080M

fish Handling
Provided by Boatech:
Electric hydraulic hoist.
BOAtech 3 room fish flush.
BOAtech cleaning table.
BOAtech 3 room cargo hold binge.

Controller system, supplied by AS: SCAN
– Scan Steering, type MT1000-200
– Pump unit
– Engine starters
– Remote panel
– Alarm system
– Feedback & indicator system
– Complete rudder control system

Source: https://fiskerforum.dk/nybygning-as260-sarah/

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